Former All Black questions selection choices ahead of resounding World Cup victory

Former All Black questions selection choices ahead of resounding World Cup victory

Carters Tyres brand ambassador, former All Black and good friend of the REX show Richard Loe has been living it up in sunny France for the Rugby World Cup over the past couple of weeks.

One particular thing that Loe told REX host Dominic George stood out to him was the lack of fences throughout the French countryside.

"The one thing you look around France, no fences," he said.

"They just put up the fences when needed. They need a bit of technology like we have in New Zealand, something like halter or something like that."

Loe has been lucky enough to attend a number of different World Cup games whilst in France and spoke very highly of both the quality of rugby as well as the warm reception from the host nation.

"Joe and I went along to the Samoa vs Argentina game, French hospitality again, brilliant.

"What a great game that was, the physicality of it all was great."

Speaking on the All Blacks selection for their penultimate group game against Italy, Loe questioned some of the personnel choices in a game that should be a significant victory.

He highlighted, in particular, the choice of props as well as captain Same Cane, pondering why, in a game that is expected to be comfortable, the All Blacks couldn't get some more minutes under some player's belts.

"Why aren't we playing Lomax and Williams? Lomax is coming back from injury, he's fit to play and that's a bit like Cane. If he's good enough to be in the reserves why isn't he on the field?

"Leicester Fainga'anuku, the other week, played outstandingly, we know his attacking ability, so why not split Will Jordan across to the 15 jersey and have three attacking powerhouses rather than waiting for someone to leave the game?"

Alongside their impressive hospitality, Loe had plenty of praise for the general public of France, noting the publicity of the event and the fact that despite not being a massive 'rugby-mad' country compared to countries like New Zealand or South Africa, everyone appears to be getting behind the event.

"Wherever you go they mightn't be rugby people but they know about the World Cup, but it's been well promoted here and they all talk about it."

Loe raised concerns about the refereeing, particularly the video assistant referees and some of the calls that have been made in the World Cup so far. 

Listen to the full chat between Carters Tyres brand ambassador Richard Loe and Dominic George above.

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