Kiwi Country Kids: The woman uniting farming families across the country

Kiwi Country Kids: The woman uniting farming families across the country

Sally Newell, is a Hawke's Bay-based farmer, vet, and author. She joined REX host Dom George to discuss her social media account Kiwi Country Kids, which has grown into an educational platform with over 32,000 followers across both Instagram and Facebook

Newell shared that the page, which she started during the 2020 lockdown, offers an authentic perspective of farming life, providing both its good and bad aspects. It allows followers to ask questions and learn about the realities of agriculture, breaking down barriers of misinformation about farming. 

She also talked about her commercial bull beef farm in Potokka, Hawkes Bay. 

"We share all of it and it's been quite interesting because the bad stuff that you sort of go I should have posted because it's just me sort of having a terrible day and going oh, this is hard. Very often is the most well received, especially by farmers, because it's that whole sort of shared suffering thing," Newell explained. 

Newell recently made her debut as an author with a book about her rescue chickens. She shared the journey of creating her book and its warm reception as a gift. 

"We got these rescue chickens from a local poultry farm and as soon as we got them I thought this could make a neat story." 

The book provides another avenue for her to educate people about farming life. Newell is also launching a calendar alongside her book and hopes to one day write a book series based on real-life stories from her farm.

The sales of both the book and calendar will raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, an organisation close to her heart due to her family's personal experience. 

For more information about her book, how to donate and more, head to, or follow any of her social media channels.

Listen to the full chat between Sally Newall and Dominic George above.

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