Revolutionising agriculture with Biocord: The biodegradable baler twine tackling plastic waste

Revolutionising agriculture with Biocord: The biodegradable baler twine tackling plastic waste

REX host Dom George and David Hart from Cordex, divulge into a compelling conversation about an innovative solution to the pervasive problem of plastic waste in agriculture, Biocord, the biodegradable baler twine

Hart eloquently discusses how this cutting-edge product is poised to revolutionise farm waste management by introducing a unique chemical process that renders the otherwise stable polypropylene twine bioavailable for natural decomposition. 

He illuminates the environmental predicament caused by conventional plastic twines, detailing how their robust hydrocarbon chains resist breaking down, leading to an accumulation of microplastics in nature. 

"We're all very aware of rogue plastics appearing in mother nature which degrade into microplastics," Hart notes, emphasising the urgency for solutions like Biocord. 

He describes the ingenuity behind Biocord, where chemists have "reverse-engineered" the problem, creating a master batch or "fairy dust" that allows the twine to be consumed by natural organisms.

"The process that we've helped to generate with our partner makes the chemical chain bioavailable... Mother nature then does her part, and the worms, the microbes, the fungi, all see it as a food." 

The conversation touches on the global release of Biocord and the positive market reception. Hart acknowledges that different environmental conditions can affect the biodegradation rate, explaining that factors like heat and light can accelerate the process. 

He remains clear that the goal isn't to promote littering but to ensure that any plastic that inadvertently enters nature can break down harmlessly, leaving "zero microplastics left." 

Despite the slightly higher cost of Biocord, "plus 20%," Hart defends its value, stating that for those committed to preserving nature, it's a modest price for a significant environmental benefit. The product requires no new machinery or changes in farming practices, making it a practical choice for eco-conscious farmers.

"It's going better than we could ever imagine," Hart says of the uptake, indicating a bright future for the product.

"All of us will be very happy to help anybody with their requirements," he concludes, encouraging listeners to explore the potential of Biocord for their farming needs.

Listen to the full chat between David Hart and Dominic George above.

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