Nathan Guy Sheds Light On Agricultural Prospects Amid Challenges

Nathan Guy Sheds Light On Agricultural Prospects Amid Challenges

Nathan Guy, the Chair of both the Meat Industry Association and Apiculture NZ, offered his seasoned insights into the current state of farming. 

Despite facing climate unpredictability and market fluctuations, Guy emphasises the resilience needed to succeed in the sector. He touches upon the tough times for sheep farmers contrasted with the potential in the beef market due to US droughts. 

Guy delves into the effects of the global economy on New Zealand's meat and honey exports, with a special focus on the Chinese market's impact. Despite challenges, he projects a hopeful future with recovery signs in China and potential growth in markets like the UAE and Saudi Arabia. 

"Things are certainly just starting to turn in China now," Guy says, acknowledging the mixed outcomes for sheep and beef farmers. 

He expresses confidence in New Zealand's premium food products meeting the high demand in wealthy regions like the UAE. 

The conversation also highlights the significance of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement which Guy expresses his enthusiasm for.

"It's got huge potential and significantly, those returns will flow back inside the farm gate as well." 

On the honey front, Guy discusses the importance of Manuka honey and the aim to double export value over the next decade. Despite hardships similar to those faced by sheep farmers, he remains optimistic about the demand for New Zealand honeys and the opportunities arising as tourism rebounds post-COVID. 

Listen to the full chat between Nathan Guy and Dominic George above.

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