2023 PINZ Awards honouring excellence in New Zealand's rural industries
Rural News
Rural News

2023 PINZ Awards honouring excellence in New Zealand's rural industries

New Zealand's farmers, foresters, and fishers were celebrated at the 2023 Primary Industries New Zealand (PINZ) Awards on Monday night. AgResearch shone with three trophies, highlighting the role of science in addressing environmental challenges. 

The Science & Research Award recognized AgResearch's Endophyte Discovery Team for developing insect-resistant ryegrass strains. 

Dr. Louise Hennessy won the Emerging Leader Award for blending Māori knowledge with science, while Dr. Dave Leathwick received the Primary Industries Champion Award for his commitment to parasite control.

DairyNZ's Tararua Plantain Project, in collaboration with partners, reduced nitrogen loss by incorporating plantain in pasture sward, earning the Team & Collaboration Award. Adam Thompson of Restore Native Ltd was honoured with the Kaitiakitanga/Guardianship & Conservation Award for restoring land and biodiversity. 

OneFortyOne, a Kaituna-based sawmill, received the Fibre Producer Award for its drive to improve and reduce emissions. Sanford Ltd's Big Glory Bay Salmon won the Food & Beverage Producer Award for sustainability and community projects.

James Bourke's DairySmart NZ Ltd technology, promoting animal performance and reducing antibiotic use, took the Technology Innovation Award. 

The Outstanding Contribution Award went to Prof. Keith Woodford, an agriculture economist, Honorary Professor of Agri-Food Systems at Lincoln University, and industry mentor.

The PINZ Awards celebrate excellence, innovation, and commitment in New Zealand's rural sectors. These individuals and teams drive the nation's primary industries in competitive international marketplaces.

Read the full press release from Federated Farmers here.