WoolAid's Natural Alternative To Standard Band-Aid's Withstands -40 Degree Conditions

WoolAid's Natural Alternative To Standard Band-Aid's Withstands -40 Degree Conditions

WoolAid has developed an award-winning Merino wool adhesive bandage as a natural, highly breathable and sustainable alternative to regular band-aids.

Founder Lucas Smith explains the origin story of WoolAid, born from his experience as a mountain guide in Fiordland, where he observed the environmental impact of plastic first aid products. 

"At the end of the day, look, it all comes back to nature," he states, sharing his epiphany about seeking natural alternatives to conventional, plastic-based bandages. 

Smith highlights the challenges of adhering to medical device regulations and the efficiency gains from producing square wool-based bandages. He emphasises the rigorous testing of WoolAid under extreme conditions, such as the Iditarod Trail Invitational in Alaska, where temperatures can plummet to minus 60 degrees. 

"It's not until you get out to minus 40 that push really comes to shove and natural materials survive out there, whereas plastic just cripples," he notes, showcasing WoolAid's performance and durability in harsh environments. 

The conversation also touches upon WoolAid's connection with the farming community and their presence at Fieldays, where they engage directly with industry members and consumers. 

"We're at Fieldays as well so if anyone's in the innovation hub, come and have a chat, booth 48, we'll stick some bandages on you," Smith invites listeners, emphasising their approachable and interactive brand presence. 

Hi's narrative is one of innovation, sustainability, and the drive to create eco-friendly medical supplies that are not only functional but also kind to the environment. 

Listen to the full chat between Lucas Smith and Dominic George above.

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