Stuart Taylor, GM at Craigmore Farms on Creating Systems that Suit the Individual Farm

Stuart Taylor, GM at Craigmore Farms on Creating Systems that Suit the Individual Farm

Craigmore Farms took out last year’s Fonterra Responsible dairying Award at the NZ Dairy Industry Awards with one of their key philosophies being that there is no single perfect system.

They adapt the farm system on each of their 22 farms to suit the environment and the people.

Taylor said every farm is a little bit different. 

“They're all really special in their own right. And you have to look at the farm and think, what's the farm system that's going to be best suited to this property”

Check out the full interview with Rural Exchange and Stuart Taylor above. 

With entries closing for this year’s Responsible Dairying Award at the end of the month, we’ve decided to touch base with Stuart Taylor, General Manager of farming at Craigmore to see where things are at…

This article was produced by TodayFM in association with REX Today’s  / Rural Exchange